NCL Web Edition : Welcome To The New Server


The NCL Website will be offline later today for the next 48 hours or so as we make upgrades.
The NCL Website will be offline later today for the next 48 hours or so as we make upgrades.

UPDATE: 10.23.08 6:03 PM EDT
We’re all complete! By now everyone should be landing here on the new server (Thanks Tim!) and you should be seeing an improvement in your speed and browsing experience. Lot’s to update and catchup on so, thanks for being patient while we have been working. Gotta get to work on updating the site and stories now!

UPDATE: 10-23-08 6:00 AM EDT

Almost all of you are now seeing the new server, though a few ISP’s have still to update, including most Hughesnet Sat customers. But, for the most part all of the major ISP’s are now bringing you here. Some providers take as much as 72 hours to make that change, but it appears all is in the works and the changes are taking place over time. Beginning Friday we will resume our normal daily weather, audio cast, etc.

Thanks to everyone for the compliments on the new server, yes, it is much faster!

UPDATE: 10-22-08 12:07 PM EDT
Many of you are seeing this new site, congrats! The slow migration over is working, over the next 24-48 hours as other servers update around the world, everyone will be landing here. Thanks for all of the positive comments so far!

Previous post:

Yep, we’ve “Moved’ on up to a deluxe apartment in the sky!” Ok, if you’re in your teens or early 20’s you have no idea what I am talking about, unless you watch Good Times The Jeffersons (Thanks Merrilee) reruns on TV Land. Anyway, because of all of the increased traffic to our new NCL website launched a couple of months ago, we are having to upgrade our servers. A good thing! You are making us so popular we need to make that change.

This should improve your browsing experience and make it a bit faster as you access our site. Our tests here have show it’s substantially faster than what you currently get.

This is a good thing, and thank all of you for coming to our site and making us so popular!


  1. Correct me if I am wrong…..but being in the (cough, cough) over 40 crowd….I seem to remember that being the intro song to “The Jeffersons”? Anyway….congratulations and hurry back!

  2. The Staff at Monticello High School, who arrive around 6:30am would like to express their positive reactions to your new web-site. Also, we are very thankful for your news items and weather reports this early in the morning. Thanks for a super job

  3. This does seem much faster. That will be a big help to many Nelson residents still on 56K dialup. We got a taste of that recently when reverting to dialup while in Maine. All the NCL graphics took a long time to load. This speed enhancement will be appreciated by all.

    Now if Verizon will do it’s study, then many others can speedup.

  4. Looks good Tommy and Yvette.

    Ah, all the old TV shows! How many of you remember “Howdy Doody”, and “Ozzie and Harriet”? I was a mere lad when those shows made their debut. Showing my age.

    Best regards,
    Paul Purpura


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