What: Annual Fall Benefit Trail Ride
Where: Fleetwood Community Center, Massies Mill, VA
When: October 17-19
Cost: $75 per adult rider, $35 non-rider or under 17
Details: Horseback riding at its finest! All proceeds to help with upkeep and
maintenance of former school building and grounds. Fee includes 3 days and 2
nights of camping, casual riding on Friday, marked, self-guided trails on
Saturday and Sunday, and 5 meals.
Ample parking for horse trailers. Showers and restrooms in building. Free art
show. Professional photographer on site. Pre-registration is required, as is
proof of negative Coggins.
Contact: Audrey Diane Evans, at 434 277-5814 or bossmare@ceva.net
Hi Audrey, going to be sending in application when I can get it printed out, my computer crashed last night. Please save me 2 spots to ride. Best to you.
Hello Audrey,
I am looking for the pre-registration application for the 2009 ride. Is it possible to email me one?
Thank you and Happy Trails!
Hello Audrey,
I cannot find the pre-registration forms for the the Fall 2009 trail ride. Will you email me a copy or direct me to a website? Really looking forward to this year’s ride. Cheers, Bob
Hello Audrey,
Please send me a pre-registration form for the Fall 2009 trail ride. I can’t find the ride announced on the web.
Hello, Raymond & I have not been able to attend the ride for 2 years due to health issues.
We have really missed it and are really looking forward to the Fall 2009 ride. Please send us a pre=registration form for it by email or mail it to 11455 Blue ridge trail,Windsor, Va. 23487
Thanks so much.
Hi Diane,Please email me an application for the Fall 09 trail ride. HAven’t seen it yet.
We had a wounderful time on your spring ride. Would love to come on the fall ride. Can you send any information on dates of the fall ride hope its not to late.