Thanks to our Paul Purpura on Wintergreen Mountain for this shot of late summer clouds. It’s just a few more days until we officially wave bye-bye to summer and welcome in Fall next Monday on the 22nd.
Tuesday was a busy day in Nelson and if you have been looking at our top story about the bank robbery in Afton, you know why. That’s one of the neat things about our new site is the ability to follow breaking stories like Tuesday’s robbery. Also check out the discussion on television here in Nelson, that’s stirred lots of comments from readers, including the GM of NBC-29 himself, in Charlottesville. Check them all out!
Scroll below almanac conditions for more weather…..
Rainfall totals as of 11:59 PM EDT Tuesday night:
–TUE High / Low at NCL Magazine : Rockfish Valley : 75°/64° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 21.59″
–TUE High / Low at NCL-TWNF : Wintergreen Mountain : 63°/53° – RAIN 0.00″ – YTD: 29.73″
–TUE High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm : Roseland, VA : 74°/60°– RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 28.25″
–TUE High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel : Lovingston, VA : 75°/63° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 26.14″
–TUE High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery : Faber, VA : 76°/63° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 21.00″
Monday began more or less cloudy with some breaks of sun. Areas to the south had some light showers until early afternoon when skies turned partly cloudy. With the cloud cover temps stayed cool for much of the day only topping in the 70’s valley and low 60’s on the mountains.
Over the next several days right on through the weekend, look for mostly sunny days with mild temperatures during the day and pleasant cool temps at night. No organized rainfall is on the horizon for the next 7 days.
Have a great Wednesday!