Hurricane Ike Triggers Local Gas Rush

People Line Up For Gas At Super Test In Greenwood, Virginia
People Line Up For Gas At Super Test In Greenwood, Virginia

Hurricane Ike’s effects are reaching all the way into Central Virginia as drivers worry about gas supplies. Yesterday we noticed busier than normal lines at a couple of stations along Routes 250 and 151. Law enforcement authorities also received reports of long lines at some gas stations around the county, though we didn’t see anything more than just a few cars more than normal at the stations we passed by.

Ike had drivers pulling up late Friday in Afton to get gas.
Ike had drivers pulling up late Friday in Afton to get gas.

Have any of you seen any gas lines anywhere. What’s been your experience? Comments are open below!


  1. I think…no I know that it is stupid to rush for gas. If anyone took Economics in school they would know why the price of fuel went up. Did anyone notice that the only price that went up was regular? It’s because Gas Stations only have a limited supply of Gas in their tanks, and they have scheduled times for refuel due to past sales. Now when everyone runs to fill their car up because they hear that oil rigs are shutting down in the gulf because of a hurricane, the gas station has no choice but to conserve and raise prices. It is simple Supply-and-Demand. But beyond that, no need to worry, for one the gas they are refining in Texas isn’t going to be shipped out for a while anyway. They don’t refine the oil then poof its at the gas station. It takes time! But what you should be angry about is that you are paying around fifty cents in taxes on every gallon you buy, not including the mark-up. So next time that you rush to the gas station because you see prices rising just remember They will keep raising the price until you stop buying it, when you stop buying it the price will drop. Oh one more thing, the oil in the Gulf, we don’t use that oil. We sell it to other countries. We use the oil from the Saudies and Russia, and when was the last time they had a hurricane in Saudi Arabia?


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