Weekend Weather : Hanna Gone : Sunny Sunday : Watching Ike!

TS Hanna Heading Northeast
TS Hanna Heading Northeast

Hanna is now history in the books for Nelson County. In the afternoon Saturday, Hanna moved out of the area and sunshine returned. Look for a sunny Sunday with our next chance for rain Tuesday & next Saturday.

Hurricane Ike 5 Day Outlook
Hurricane Ike 5 Day Outlook

You’ve no doubt noticed the changed look of our Nelson County Life web edition! Today we have unveiled a completely new look. You’ll be hearing and seeing more about it in the coming days, but for now take time to look around as we make some tweaks to the new site for the next few days.


  1. New format looks great! Very neat and orderly.

    Jane and I are at present in Easton, MD — to Bethany Beach, DE Sunday. Maybe not the best time to visit the beaches, yes?

    Have you heard any more fromIBEC/BPL? I thought I saw a truck with those logos on our road the other day.


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