45 MPH Signs installed last year on parts of Route 151 near Route 6 East
From minutes published by RuralNelson.org, project 151.org has learned the Nelson County Board of Supervisors has voted to reduce the speed limit on additional portions of Route 151.
Wording from RuralNelson.org minutes of that meeting on 6.26.08:
SPEED LIMIT/RT. 151 – Supervisors voted 4-0 to adopt a resolution requesting
that VDOT lower the speed limit on Rt. 151 from 55mph to 45mph from the Rt.
6 intersection through the southern intersection of Rt. 613 (Rodes Farm
You can read the entire post over at project151.org by clicking here.
EXCELLENT!!!! Save lives and save gas! It’s a beautiful rural road, and one can “smell the roses” so to speak, while slowing down to 45 mph. Next stop, remove the HUGE interstate trucks from 151, as they take a shortcut across Rte. 6 from Rte. 29 to get to I-64 and I-81 more quickly! Great job to our supervisors, continue to keep Nelsonians safe, BEFORE more tragic loss of life, or injury.