DATEBOOK : Wintergreen Nature Foundation : June 2008 Events


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Here’s what’s happening this June at The Wintergreen Nature Foundation. Call 434-325-8169 or visit for more details.

June 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, and 29 10 AM Mornings in the Mountains Join a Foundation naturalist for an interpretive hike. Explore the many aspects of Wintergreen’s natural environment. $3 members, $5 resort guests, $6 non-members. Please register by 9:30am.

June 14 and 15 9AM Field Studies Institute: Expressions of Nature The third opportunity in our hand-on educational series. Enjoy a weekend of workshops at the Trillium House conducted by renowned local artists. On Saturday is “Painting Green Leaves” with Lara Call Gastinger, Chief Illustrator of the Flora Virginia Project. Learn the basics of how to paint a simple yet challenging subject, such as a green leaf. Learn to mix greens, apply layers and keenly observe leaf venation and texture. On Sunday Nature Journalist Rhonda Roebuck will discuss techniques for documenting and displaying your experiences with nature. There’s still space, make your reservation today! $120 members, $150 non-members, breakfast and lunch provided, register by June 10.

June 18 8AM
Dolphin Watching Enjoy a day out on the water with the Virginia Aquarium in Virginia Beach. Learn more about the state of our coastal ecosystems and the Chesapeake Bay. This is the time of year we are sure to see dolphins! $40 members, $50 non-members, bring money for lunch and dinner.

June 23 through 27 1-4 PM Daily WILD Explorers Day Camp For 2nd through 5th graders.
A full week of nature fun in the great outdoors! Crafts, games, hikes, snacks, and scientific experiments around each day’s theme will make learning an exciting way to spend these summer afternoons. Open to those who have just finished the 2nd through 5th grades. Cost: $110 members, $120 non-members Call 434-325-7473 to register.

June 28 7AM Field Studies Institute: Lessons From the River The last installment in the series. Take a canoe trip down the Shenandoah River with Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Aquatic Biologist, Jason Hallacher. Jason will show us the techniques Aquatic Biologists use to study the health of our rivers and the communities that inhabit them. Learn about the variety of fish species and do a little catch and release fishing as we explore the issues affecting this river. $70 members, $80 non-members, register by June 24. currently SOLD OUT – call 434-325-8169 to be on the waiting list.


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