WEDNESDAY WEATHER : Wintergreen & Nelson County, VA : Partly Sunny & Warmer : Then Scattered Showers


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Above left, Milly Colella of Nellysford takes hold of the two adult tickets she won Tuesday in the NCL Band Fair giveaway! Marie Dennis of Beech Grove was the lucky winner of the family pass tickets to this Sunday’s event at Cardinal Point to raise money for North Branch School.

TS-Weather Map Small
Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine


Photography By Ann Strober
For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Wasps on The Nest
Nellysford, Virginia

Today’s weather and is brought to you exclusively by:
am fog 4.16.08-A

AM Fog New BLdg
The new farm market at a.m. Fog in Afton.

Not long ago I went back to Tennessee to visit my folks on the farm. You’ve heard me talk about my days back there as a kid. They were some mighty good ones, just like my grown up days here in the mountains. I was remembering this old man that lived across the road by the name of, Son Johnson. I’d always walk up to his house and remember those chickens running all over the place. He was farm raising eggs and meat long before it was trendy. Just good, down home, quality food.

Ken and Yvonne Harris at a.m. Fog on the Nelson-Albemarle County Line along Route 151 in Afton do the same thing.

My old friend Son is long gone these days. His house isn’t even there anymore, but Ken and Yvonne’s is. Right now they have spinach, kale, brocoli, cabbage and veggie start, 6 kinds of lettuce, 26 types of heirloom tomatoes, plus sweet peppers, and a big selection of HOT peppers! Heck for your Hawaiian flair how about pineapple, and back home…maybe a little watermelon!

And look what else they have: asparagus, lettuce, cucumbers, STRAWBERRIES, strawberry onions (the best!!!), roasting potatoes, Idaho potatoes, carrots, green peppers, farm eggs, meat, and fresh baked bread.

And yea, my buddy, the trusty:
-Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention the countless other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with fruit trees ready for planting.

The beautiful new farm market is OPEN FOR BUSINESS NOW, and just on the horizon, hot teas, coffee, muffins, and bread while you take a look around.

If you do the WWW thing you can visit them on the web at If you don’t, they are the kind of folks who still answer the phone, now there’s a concept! Call ’em at 540-456-7100.

TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 75°/44° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 13.41″
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 62°/35° – RAIN 0.00″ – YTD: 19.29″
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : 73°/39° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 19.23″
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : n/a°/n/a° – RAIN : 0.00″
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 73°/45° – RAIN : 0.00″ – YTD: 8.30″ (estimated rainfall)

Off the top, congrats to our ticket winners for this weekend’s Band Fair being held Sunday at Cardinal Point Winery. It’s to raise money for the fine folks over at North Branch School. Milly Colella and Marie Dennis were the lucky winners of adult tickets and a family pass to the afternoon event that’s always a fun day! You heard a little bit of Jenn Rhubright (Jive Katza) from Arrington as we started the cast this morning. She’s one of the singer/musicians there this coming weekend. You’ll hear more from her in just a bit. Saw her last night up at the Nelson Business Appreciation get together at Wintergreen. Jenn and her husband Andy Waldeck are two of the finest people I know in Nelson, and if you get a chance to go out to Cardinal and hear them this weekend, be sure to go!

Moving on to weather, thanks again to Ann Strober of Nellysford for the fantastic weather photo today. Not really weather, but what a great closeup shot she got of the wasps on that nest. Almost a little too close! Ann’s getting very good with her new Nikon D-40, and she just got a new Speedlight Flash to go along with it. Say Cheese!

Wasn’t Tuesday such a nice change from the cold dreary weekend and Monday we had to endure? A full day of sunshine and warm temps in the lower 70’s for most valley locations. Even on the mountain they managed to reach the comfortable lower 60’s for afternoon highs. Overnight lows Tuesday cooled pretty well as the winds died off, but still not what you could call cold.

Today will be another nice one. Enjoy it, no savor it! It will be the last really nice day for several to come as another series of systems will keep rain in the forecast for the next near future. This won’t be a bunch of heavy rain and it won’t be raining everywhere all at once, but rather scattered showers from time to time. Wednesday will be nice, I think right on into the evening hours, but rain chances increase after midnight into Thursday with the best chance for rain Thursday afternoon and evening.

The good news as we talked about yesterday, the temperatures. They will hold hold to near 70° for the extended forecast period in spite of the rain. There is some disagreement from the weather models as to how long this next system might last. Some downplay it, so we might get lucky on some of the newer models in the coming hours, to see if this system doesn’t pan out as planned. Regardless, I’d keep an umbrella handy and a light jacket at night.

UPDATED 8:15 AM EDT: It now appears Saturday and Sunday will have more sun than showers. As discussed above, the models now are favoring a more spotty shower scenario vs rainly all the time.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Lake Monacan, Devil’s Knob, Arrington, and Greenwood.

WEDNESDAY: Mostly sunny early, becoming partly sunny in the afternoon. Warm.
* Highs Valley: 76-79°
*On the mountains: 65-68°
*Winds: SW 10-15 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Mostly cloudy with light showers possible by sunrise. Lows valley: 53-56° : Mountains: 46-49° : Winds: SW 5-10 MPH.

THURSDAY: Cloudy with scattered showers likely, especially in the afternoon. Mild.
* Highs Valley: 72-75°
*On the mountains: 60-63°
*Winds: SW 5-10 MPH.
*OVERNIGHT: Cloudy with scattered showers continuing. Lows valley: 53-56° : Mountains: 48-51° : Winds: S 5-10 MPH

The remainder of the week has chances for widely scattered showers everyday through Sunday, but there will be ample sunshine in between. Daytime highs lower 70’s valley and lower to mid 60’s mountains.

Jenn Rhubright of Arrington and Jive Katze take us out with a cut from their collection. This one’s called Black Coffee. Jenn is one of four acts playing this coming Sunday at Band Fair. We’ll see you there!

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Jenn Pub Photo
According to the online urban dictionary a “Jive Cat” is “not the ordinary person you or your homeboys would hang out with”. And what has a less jiving, less hip and less swinging reputation than a “German Jazz Cat” anyway? – Well, Jive Katze is not your ordinary Jazz band.
Jive Katze is the newest addition to the diverse Charlottesville music scene. They combine vocal jazz in the tradition of Billy Holliday and Ella Fitzgerald with contemporary forms and concepts influenced by Brad Mehldau, and Kenny Werner.

Jenn Rhubright’s intimate renditions of jazz classics meet the sensitive and versatile playing of German born pianist, Gerrit Roessler. Jenn contributes her unorthodox approach to music as well as her vast experience with rock and pop from her nationally acclaimed bands Clare Quilty and The Dirty Dishes. Gerrit on the other hand, has a background as a formally trained jazz musician and paid his dues playing mostly in Europe and the US with his award winning band Mars Attacks.

It is this difference, and the artistic tension that makes this project so interesting: Sometimes only subtly and carefully altering the divine masters, sometimes overhauling them drastically to create something entirely new. Although they are not a retro-jazz band that attempts to re-enact an alleged golden past, they are respectfully aware of the vast tradition of vocal jazz and are attempting to translate it into the world of today. The result is an intimate and energetic performance that is strongly shared by the audience during their performances.

Although Jive Katze is conceptualized as a duo, Jenn and Gerrit are frequently backed up by Bassist David Cosper from South Carolina and Drummer Granville Mullings from New York.

Jive Katze is not in it for the money. They play for their love of music. That is why they decided to support a non-profit organization that is dedicated “to revitalizing the music and cultural community within the neighborhoods of New Orleans by helping its tradition bearers return to and stay at home.” By financially and actively engaging with “Sweet Home New Orleans” ( Jive Katze feel they are reaching out to a vast musical tradition and heritage on more than the mere artistic level.


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