Weather : Wintergreen And Nelson County, VA : Monday : More Clouds, Cool : Much Warmer Later In The Week


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine


WFD Art 6
Photography By Tommy Stafford
For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Wintergreen Fire & Rescue Art Contest At NCHS
Lovingston, Virginia

Above, left to right, are the Nelson County High students in WFD’s art contest. Jordan Kennedy, Laurel Schablein, Marie Borgman, Chelsea Crouch, Shannon Spivey, Justin Lawhorn, Josh Morris, Erica Stowe, Tori Ashley, and Cally Bryant.

The entries are part of contest to select work that will be enlarged and hung in the Wintergreen Fire Stations. The contest was coordinated by, Tammy Fore, a medic / firefighter with the department in conjunction with art teacher, Elizabeth Knight at NCHS. “Their artwork is going to get transferred onto 4×4 sheets of plywood or luon or something and then we’ll put them on the walls in the station,” says Wintergreen Fire & Rescue Chief, Curtis Sheets.

WFD Art-1
The first place winner by NCHS student, Jordon Kennedy.

WFD Art-8
The second place winner by NCHS student, Erica Stowe

WFD also presented a gift check to the art department for all of their hard work and cooperation!

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Ferrous sulfate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, disodium guanylate, high fructose corn syrup, Mmmmm, Mmmm, doesn’t that sound yummy, give me another helping now, NOT! Yvette always tells me if it survives in space you probably don’t want to be eating it!

Not worry, you won’t find that kind of stuff at Ken & Yvonne Harris’ a.m. Fog on the Nelson-Albemarle County Line along Route 151 in Afton. They’re as close to the farm as you can get with plenty of fresh meats and vegetables.

They’ve already got; Asparagus, Lettuce, Cucumbers, STRAWBERRIES, strawberry onions (the best!!!), roasting potatoes, Idaho potatoes, carrots, green peppers, farm eggs, meat, and fresh baked bread.

And yea, they still have my favorite the trusty:
Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention all of the other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with lots of fruit trees ready for the spring planting! Spring is here!

And have you seen that new beautiful farm market going up, they ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS NOW, and soon they’ll be featuring hot teas, coffee, muffins, and bread.

Visit them on the web at or call them at 540-456-7100.

SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 51°/45° – RAIN APRIL: 1.04″ – YTD: 6.45″
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 42°/36° – RAIN APRIL: 1.75″ – YTD: 10.78″
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : °62/38° – RAIN APRIL: 1.59″ – YTD: 11.77″
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 52°/44° – RAIN APRIL: 0.00″ Monthly Total Unavailable
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 65°/44° – RAIN APRIL: 0.14″ – YTD: 4.44″
SUNDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Mini Tara Vineyards @ Arrington, VA : 50°/45° – RAIN APRIL: 0..99″ – YTD: 2.85″

Congrats to students in NCHS Art Class! They’re seen above showing some of their work in a recent competition for display in the Wintergreen Fire Department. You can read lots more above and see the top two winning entries!

I had someone say to me over the weekend they felt like they were in Seattle instead of Central Virginia. I couldn’t agree more! A stubborn easterly air flow that brings in these low clouds and drizzle held on right through the weekend. The upside to this is the needed rain. We are well on our way to making up for last year’s dry summer. And now’s the time to get it, because generally speaking mid summer tends to have less rain. Some locations in Nelson have already seen 11 inches or better of rainfall since January 1st! That is very good news.

Look for the clouds and sometimes drizzle to hang in there today early. Unfortunately we have a few more hours of this stuff before high pressure finally wins. I can’t rule out seeing some sun in places Monday, but it won’t be very much, especially early. If we do get some it will come later in the day. By Tuesday we’ll see more sun and of course warmer temps.

By the second half of the week, temps warm way up, but rain reenters the forecast too by Thursday night.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Wintergreen, Steeles Tavern, Rockfish and Greenwood

Monday: Mostly cloudy and cool. Sprinkles and fog early. Some sun possible in the afternoon.
* Highs Valley: 52-55° warmer if we get more sunshine
*On the mountains: 44-47°
*Winds: NE 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Mostly cloudy. Lows valley: 40-43° : Mountains: 38-41° : Winds: E-5 MPH

Tuesday: Early morning clouds then partly cloudy. Warmer.
* Highs Valley: 63-66°
*On the mountains: 54-57°
*Winds: E 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Mostly cloudy once again. Lows valley: 44-47° : Mountains: 41-44° : Winds: SE-5 MPH.

The remainder of the week is dry until Thursday night when rain is possible again continuing on into the weekend. Temps warm to the mid 60’s by Wednesday and into the lower 70’s by Thursday and Friday, slightly cooler readings on the mountains.

Have a great Monday everyone!


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