WEATHER : Wintergreen And Nelson County, VA : Drizzle : Tiny Peeks of Sun : UPDATED 12 Noon


REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE

Updated 12 noon 4.6.08

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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine

Regional Animated Radar

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Ferrous sulfate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, disodium guanylate, high fructose corn syrup, Mmmmm, Mmmm, doesn’t that sound yummy, give me another helping now, NOT! Yvette always tells me if it survives in space you probably don’t want to be eating it!

Not worry, you won’t find that kind of stuff at Ken & Yvonne Harris’ a.m. Fog on the Nelson-Albemarle County Line along Route 151 in Afton. They’re as close to the farm as you can get with plenty of fresh meats and vegetables.

They’ve already got; Asparagus, Lettuce, Cucumbers, STRAWBERRIES, strawberry onions (the best!!!), roasting potatoes, Idaho potatoes, carrots, green peppers, farm eggs, meat, and fresh baked bread.

And yea, they still have my favorite the trusty:
Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention all of the other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with lots of fruit trees ready for the spring planting! Spring is here!

And have you seen that new beautiful farm market going up, they ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS NOW, and soon they’ll be featuring hot teas, coffee, muffins, and bread.

Visit them on the web at or call them at 540-456-7100.

Readings as of 8:15 PM Friday night
SATURDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 70°/53° – RAIN APRIL: 0.69″
SATURDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 58°/50° – RAIN APRIL: 1.04″
SATURDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : °70/47° – RAIN APRIL: 1.00″
SATURDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 68°/48° – RAIN APRIL: 0.44″ estimated
SATURDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 67°/53° – RAIN APRIL: 0.12″
SATURDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Mini Tara Vineyards @ Arrington, VA : 66°/52° – RAIN APRIL: 0.42

Other area rainfall totals by clicking here.

Before we kick off into weather, want to remind you that anytime you want to find out what’s going on around the area, you can simply click on the Datebook category to your left for a listing of all kinds of events for the coming month. We are constantly updating them, so check their often, especially near the weekends when lots is going on!

Saturday was an uneventful day overall, starting cool, but some sunshine peeked through making it into the upper 60’s and around 70° at some locations.

Overnight showers fell Saturday night continuing into Sunday morning. Most areas east of the BRP will remain cloudy and with periods of drizzle. Few locations will see some sunshine. It will remain quiet cool.

Skies stay cloudy again Sunday night with drizzle possible.

We continue next week with variably cloudy skies until we reach mid week when temperatures climb into the lower 70’s.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Roseland, Wintergreen, Greenwood and Paul’s Creek

*OVERNIGHT: Scattered showers. Lows valley: 44-47° : Mountains: 39-42° : Winds: NE 10-15 MPH with occasional higher gusts.

Sunday: Continued cloudy early with drizzle. Cool. Some sun possible late day especially on and west of the BRP.
* Highs Valley: 52-55°
*On the mountains: 46-49°
*Winds: NE 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Mostly cloudy, light areas of drizzle. Lows valley: 41-44° : Mountains: 38-41° : Winds: SE-5 MPH.

Next week looks generally dry for now with daytime highs in the 50 & 60’s and overnight lows in the 40’s. Temps climb to the 70’s by Wednesday through Friday.

Have a great Weekend everyone!


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