Wintergreen And Nelson County, VA Weather : Wednesday : Sunny & Fair : More Rain Ahead


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine


Rockfish @ Wintergreen Winery
Photography By Tommy Stafford
Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Rockfish River @ Wintergreen Winery
Beech Grove, Virginia

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There’s something about early Spring. You begin seeing hints of green, and then wham, snowflakes! Where did they come from. That’s part of the ritual in moving from Winter to warmer weather. It can’t really decide what it wants to do. But there’s one decision you don’t have to fret over, that’s stopping in at Ken & Yvonne Harris’ a.m. Fog on the Nelson-Albemarle Line along Route 151. They are as close to the farm as you can get!

Right now while Spring is still trying to make up it’s mind, they’ve already got; Asparagus, Lettuce, Cucumbers, STRAWBERRIES, strawberry onions (the best!!!), roasting potatoes, Idaho potatoes, carrots, green peppers, farm eggs, meat, & fresh baked bread.

And yea, they still have my favorite the trusty:
Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention all of the other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with lots of fruit trees ready for the spring planting! Spring is here!

And have you seen that new beautiful farm market going up, they ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS NOW, and soon they’ll be featuring hot teas, coffee, muffins, and bread.

Visit them on the web at or call them at 540-456-7100.

TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine in the Rockfish Valley : 79°/50° – RAIN TOTAL MARCH: 3.85″
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation on Devil’s Knob @ Wintergreen Mountain : 64°/51° – RAIN TOTAL MARCH: 5.48″
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Hatcreek Farm on Horseshoe Mountain @ Roseland, VA : °73/47° – RAIN TOTAL MARCH: 7.02″ station temporarily offline
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Tiger Fuel @ Lovingston, VA : 73°/48° – RAIN: 0.00″ Monthly Total Unavailable
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard @ Faber, VA : 75°/49° – RAIN MARCH: 2.79″
TUESDAY’S High / Low at NCL-Mini Tara Vineyards @ Arrington, VA : 75°/° – RAIN: 0.00 Monthly Total Unavailable

We’re back in the saddle here at NCL after a little computer trouble during the past 24 hours. Our NCL-Weathernet station here at the office is back up and running. It must be the week for computer gremlins, the station over at Wintergreen Winery in Beech Grove is having some issues this week as well. But I was over there yesterday with Jeff and it’s being looked into, should be back up soon. But look at the shot we took over there yesterday, at that point who cares about the computer, what a great day Tuesday ended up being.

After a cloudy damp start, the afternoon turned off very warm and partly cloudy with temperatures even going several degrees above predicted highs, with some locations flirting with 80°. Forecasted showers never developed during the daylight hours and only widely scattered showers occurred overnight Tuesday.

Today will be a mostly sunny day, but not as warm as yesterday due to a cold front that’s moved through keeping temperatures down with a cool northerly breeze. By tonight skies will go partly cloudy after midnight in advance of our next rainmaker that arrives by Thursday afternoon. As we near the end of the week temps warm back to the mid 60’s for afternoon highs.

Right now the second half of the coming weekend looks dry and fair.

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Your Nelson County Life custom area forecast including: Beech Grove, Tyro, Whetstone Ridge and Afton

Wednesday: Early morning scattered clouds then mostly sunny and cooler.
* Highs Valley: 60-63°
*On the mountains: 51-54°
*Winds: N 10-15 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Becoming partly cloudy and cold. Lows valley: 30-33° : Mountains: 24-27° : Winds: E-5 MPH

Thursday: Partly sunny early, then cloudy with rain developing in the afternoon.
* Highs Valley: 49-52°
*On the mountains: 48-51°
*Winds: SE 5-10 MPH
*OVERNIGHT: Rainy and cool. Lows valley: 43-47° : Mountains: 40-43° : Winds: SE-5 MPH.

The rest of the week into the weekend continues to have rain in the forecast until Sunday when skies become partly cloudy. Temps remain pretty fair during the period with mid 60’s for daytimes highs in the valley and around around 60° on the mountains. Overnight lows generally in the 40’s and 50’s.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!


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