Wintergreen : Parents of missing 8 year old send thanks to rescue teams


    REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE for the latest updates:

    Updated 11-14-07 10:20 PM EST:

    Photo courtesy of Erin Bacon
    For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2007

    Sam Bacon
    A picture of Sam at Wintergreen earlier this year in March.

    You may remember our stories about missing 8 year old Sam Bacon this past weekend at Wintergreen, here and here.

    Photo courtesy of Williamsburg Community Chapel : Williamsburg, VA
    For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2007

    community chapel
    Folks from The Williamsburg Community Chapel above organized and helped out the local rescue and search teams.

    Tonight Sam’s parents e-mailed NCL and wanted to extend their thanks to all of the people who helped locate their son safe & sound:

    “My name is Erin Bacon and my son, Sam, is the boy who was lost this past weekend at Wintergreen.

    I am writing in hopes that you will pass along our deepest thanks to the hundreds of people who searched for him. We are so grateful that he was found safely and humbled by the kindness of strangers.

    Sam is doing well and has even told us it was exciting to meet the Sheriff and ride in the ambulance. I think he is getting tired of us following him around, but he’ll have to be patient with us. For Christmas, each of our 3 boys will be getting a whistle to wear in the woods.

    There is no way we can adequately express how thankful we are for the wonderful people who brought our son back to us.

    Erin Bacon”

    Erin, you are most welcome! The rescue, fire & police squads at Wintergreen & Nelson along with the sheriff’s department are second to none! We know many of them read our site each morning and will be delighted to see your e-mail.

    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


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