Afton : Nellysford : Halloween on the Farm and at the table


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    Photography by Yvette Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine ©2007
    Halloween on the petting farm and around at the table
    Afton & Nellysford, Virginia

    Halloween doesn’t officially hit until October 31st, but that didn’t stop the ghosts and goblins from getting an early start this past weekend in Nelson.

    Talk about spooky, here’s the rider but no head? Mmmm, the headless horseman! Yep at MountainSide Petting Farm in Afton this past weekend, the headless horseman (in this case headless horsewoman, AKA Sindri Linen! – she knows a thing or two about horses..) rode out to give the kids a scare, but not too bad. Everyone had a great & spooky time!

    This really is scary, pirates on the lose. This guy looks awfully familiar. Seems like I saw him just the other day building a house. Mind must be playing tricks on me. But I haven’t seen Al Stacey of Gaia Homes lately, coincidence, probably all it is.

    Don’t think the the spooky rider scared these kids too much, looks like the came prepared!

    From the petting farm to the table

    Addy Pumpkin
    Just down the road at The Mark Addy in Nellysford, it was a Halloween flair this weekend with a special dinner Saturday night that encouraged pumpkins (nice carving job above) and encouraged folks to dress up in their favorite Halloween costumes, below..

    table costume

    jeff & jan
    Above, Heards’ Mountain locals, Jeff Vogelgesang & Jan Smith played a few tunes to get everyone in the spooky mood!

    Here, Jacob Tal, son of Rafi and Leslie Tal, Mark Addy owners, sets up the pumpkins at the entrance.


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