Datebook : Lovingston : Broadband Committee meets : November 7th 7:30 PM


November 7th at 7:30 pm
The Nelson Center

Project consultant will review the Phase 1 activities of the Broadband Planning Process. The
County will receive $25,000 from the VA Department of Housing and Community
Development for this project. Phase I of the planning process completes the
needs assessment and broadband education components. Using GIS and the
responses from the business and residential surveys, the focus is to locate
education institutions, businesses, and health care providers, as well as
identify current customer satisfaction and gaps in internet technologies.


  1. Thanks for dropping in Erik.

    I don’t know what GIS is. I’ll try to find out. I can tell you, as we deal with this problem daily, no real broadband. Those of us that are just out of reach of Verizon are pretty much left with satellite internet as the only option. Not great either, but better than dial up. You can do your own T-1, that’s about $800.00 per month! Ouch!

    We have talked to Verizon on several occasions, don’t look for any help from them. They told NCL that no new money is being put into expanding their DSL network. Some $$$ may get earmarked at the end of each operating year for DSL, but essentially they view it as outdated and are looking toward fiber (FIOS).

    Wireless is a possibility if it is ever implemented, and Verizon Wireless (cellular) is in the process of locating a cell network in Nelson within the next year to 18 months. That network as I understand it will have it’s data capability as well, high speed internet sort of…

    That’s part of what this broadband committee is studying, way to bring widespread broadband to more area in Nelson.

    Otherwise, it’s sat or dial up, neither the greatest!

  2. Hi again Erik,

    Here’s your answer:

    GIS is geographical information system. It is a system that stores data -most commonly data for planning and zoning. Nelson County is working on its GIS system, which we hope will allow anyone to access property records (tax parcels, assessment values, zoning etc.) Most localities have this in place.


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