Lovingston : Drumheller’s Orchard has great day of fun for kids! : Video


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    This is what Fall is all about in Virginia. Out in the orchards, pumpkin patches and the corn field mazes! Doris Drumheller, of Drumheller’s Orchard, knows how to have a day of fun for kids, many who have never been on the farm. Friday she had youngsters from all over the area coming by to pick their very own pumpkins and apples, along with a tour of their orchard operation. If you haven’t been out there, make it a point to go!

    Photography by Tommy Stafford
    www.NelsonCountyLife.com ©2007
    Drumheller’s Orchard
    Lovingston, Virginia

    Here, youngsters from The Covenant School in Charlottesville get instructions on where to go pick their very own pumpkin, and about the corn maze!

    Above, one of the students jumps down from the trailer and heads to the corn field.

    corn maze
    In the maze!

    The perfect pumpkin
    The Perfect Pumpkin!

    trip back
    The trip back to the orchard.

    doris group
    Above Doris Drumheller leads the youngsters on a tour.

    cold storage
    Here the youngsters get a look inside the cold storage unit where the apples are kept.

    apple bucket
    Doris explains how the apples are picked using this special bucket.



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