BRP : Big Fall Farm Harvest Festival @ Humpback Rocks w/ video


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    Video : Sights & sounds from this past weekend’s event above.

    Photography by Tommy Stafford : Copyright 2007
    Fall Farm Harvest Festival on The BRP
    Nelson County, Virginia

    Apple Butter
    Above a demonstration of how apple butter is made at this past weekend’s Fall Farm Harvest Festival held at Humpback Rocks Mountain Farm on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

    Girl Basket
    Here a youngster takes a shot at learning how to make a basket from scratch.

    Ann Mooney
    Is that Ann Mooney from Piney River? You bet your herbs is it! Ann in period dress, shows some of the home and natural remedies used throughout the centuries.

    Above and below, Saturday & Sunday’s event had plenty of mountain music to go along with the displays.


    Yarn Spinner
    Here this lady demonstrates how yarn was spun in the pioneer days.


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