Monday Weather Forecast: Nelson County, VA & Wintergreen


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Kate, Kaleigh, & Becky Cake
From left to right, Kate McGinnis, Kaleigh Smith, and Becky Norris serving up a Nelson 200th Anniversary celebration cake.

Photography Tommy Stafford
Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
Oakland Museum 1807 Lawn Party
Near Colleen South of Lovingston, Virginia

Want some cake? They were dishing it up yesterday! This was at Oakland Museum’s 1807 Lawn Party & 200th celebration for Nelson County. Many of the folks there were dressed up in period costume much like that you’d see back in 1807. In the picture above, Kaleigh Smith, of Roseland / Piney River, was dressed in that kind of outfit. Be sure to look for more pics from there later today. We already have the video posted to the left in our video widget! Enjoy!

Both 4th of July weekend(s) have officially wrapped up and now we’re in those hot, hazy, days of summer. This past weekend was great weatherwise, but a real barn burner. Hope you like it, we have 2-3 more days of mid 90’s with a heat indices (index) around 100 degrees.

Sunday’s high temp readings & precip

*NCL-Nelson County Life Magazine – Greenfield
Sun high: 97 degrees @ 4:59 PM
0.00″ of rain

*NCL-Wintergreen Nature Foundation – Devil’s Knob
Sun High: 81 degrees @ 1:13 PM
00.0″ of rain

*NCL-Tiger Fuel – Lovingston
Sun high 94.5 @ 3:11 PM
0.00″ of rain

**NCL-Delfosse Winery & Vineyard – Hickory Creek near Faber
Sun high 92.7 @ 3:16 PM
0.00″ of rain

The current surface map shows high pressure over the area for the next 24 to 48 hours before rain and moderating temps work into the area starting late Wednesday.
Current-Sat Surface Map

The National Forecast Map, shows the high pressure firmly in control later today. It holds on Tuesday as well. With the high pressure in place temps will soar into the mid 90’s and the heat index near 100. Heat advisories don’t get issued until 105. NWS forecasters don’t see that happening in our area, but we could get close over the next two days!
Today’s Forecast Map

Local forecast
*Today Mostly sunny, hot and hazy. Heat index around 100.
*High temps in Colleen, Lovingston, and Martin’s Store 98 degrees.
*On the mountains above 2000 feet along the BRP, Wintergreen, Three Ridges, Devil’s Knob, and Love, Partly sunny. Highs top out around 86 degrees. Winds SW 5-10 MPH.

*Tonight Partly cloudy & warm.
*Lows valley around 70 degrees.
*On the mountains overnight low of 60.
*Winds SW 3-5 MPH.

*In the extended outlook
Tuesday Mostly sunny, hazy & hot with increasing humidity in the afternoon.
*High near 97 valley – 88 on mountains.
Wednesday Partly cloudy, continued hot with afternoon scattered thunderstorms across 30% of the area. Highs around 93 valley – Mountains, variably cloudy with afternoon thunderstorms. High around 80. Overnight lows generally in the upper 60’s valley. Around 62 mountains.

The remainder of the week has scattered thunderstorms on Thursday with partly cloudy skies moving back in by Friday. Temps cool to the mid 80’s by Friday & next weekend. Scattered showers possible again on Saturday

Remember when severe weather or news breaks out, come here. We’ll have all of the latest watches, warnings, and coverage affecting Nelson County, Wintergreen, and nearby counties.

Have a great Mon!

Know your Nelson


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