Shoefiti update


    NCL reader and local Computer Tutor, Leslie France of BlueWebWeaver, sent us this shoefiti update (Issue #25, NCL April 2007) from Cowslip Road.

    Here’s the Cowslip shoefiti status report:

    They are still up there but have migrated northward along the wire and are now somewhat obscured by trees.

    More later on this breaking story …

    It’s hard to see the shoes in this picture as they blend in with the trees:

    Shoefiti Cowlsip

    But when you zoom in a little closer …

    Showfiti on Cowslip close up

    Bingo! Thanks Leslie for the follow up!


    1. The storm of two weeks ago was accompanied by strong swirling winds peaking at 50 plus mph. After the storm approximately ten trees were downed on the adjacent lot just to the right of the photo.
      This may account for the northward movement of the shoes along the line.
      Just goes to show: ” these shoes were made for walking!”

    2. Trying to locate Henri Weems to talk about Camp Monocan, where I was on staff in 1964 and 1965. Just made first visit since 1968….


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